What is E-Signature?
E-Signature is a way of sending an agreement to the tenants to sign and then to yourself electronically.
How do I use E-Signature?
Currently in NRLA Portfolio E-Signature can only be used for upcoming tenancies. You must create the agreement using the NRLA template. Once you finalise the agreement this will be sent to your tenants to sign. When they have signed the system will show this and you should receive the agreement to sign. Once you have signed the agreement is complete and binding.
If I use the NRLA template can I add additional clauses?
You can choose to add additional clauses to the agreement however please refer to this article before doing so
Where can I find more information?
For more information please use the following link https://www.nrla.org.uk/resources/using-pdf-documents#digital-signatures
Where can I find training on this topic?
The NRLA offer a multitude of courses for our members to increase their knowledge and improve their skills as a landlord. You can find training on Landlord Fundamentals and other topics. You can attend these courses in a classroom, eClassroom or eLearning depending on your preference.