What is Fitness for Human Habitation?
Fitness for Human Habitation is legislation that requires the landlord to ensure the property is in a fit and safe standard before a tenant moves in to the property and throughout their tenancy.
How do I meet the requirements of FFHH?
You should be able to ensure you have met Fitness for Human Habitation requirements by checking your property against the 29 Housing Health and Safety hazards along with ensuring that any repairs are rectified in a timely manner.
You may need cover in emergency situations. We recommend using YourRepair for boiler and home emergency cover https://www.nrla.org.uk/services/yourrepair
Where can I find more information?
The NRLA offer guidance on FFHH and courses that can improve a landlords understanding.
Where can I find training on this topic?
The NRLA offer a multitude of courses for our members to increase their knowledge and improve their skills as a landlord. You can find training on many topics relating to safety in the property such as Landlord Fundamentals, Fire Safety, Property standards and PAT testing. You can attend these courses in a classroom, eClassroom or eLearning depending on your preference.